January 13, 2015

White Poodle, day 6

It's been four weeks since I last worked on this copy! But I made it back today and was ready to go. I was able to position my easel closer to the painting so I could see more detail. I hadn't done this before because I needed to take in the whole composition. But today I got as close as I could, and it helped.

I worked all morning on the face, and then I realized that the dog's nose was about 1/4" too low. I quickly moved it up, and I think it's a little better. Below is a detail of the actual painting, and it's obvious that I am still a bit off. Mine looks thinner. Maybe I can fix that next time. Also, my color seems to be off. It's hard to figure out how to match his colors. I'll keep working on it.

I'm still not very happy with the fur, but I am getting it lighter. I also worked on the cloud and the sky. Next week I'll repaint the trees and maybe the boat. Then it will be back to the face.

(click on the images for a larger view)

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