July 8, 2014

The Cradle - Day 2

Today was a good day! I got a ride in early with my wonderful friend Katie, and spent the time before the museum opened hanging out at Starbucks, where I was joined by two other early-arriving copyists. When 10:00 approached, the three of us trooped over to the National Gallery.

My gallery was quiet, and my easel was there (sometimes it isn't, and I have to wait for them to bring it to me.) So I got right to work, and had a very productive day, despite a nice, long lunch hour. My room got pretty crowded with lots of visitors, but somehow I had the energy to chat with people and still get a lot done. Around three I suddenly ran out of steam, so I stopped. A lot of paint went to waste, as usual.

Here is how it looked at the end of the day. (click for a larger view.)

I am trying to paint it in the order that Monet did (I can see which brush strokes are on top of other brush strokes!) I made some adjustments to Camille's head (I hadn't allowed enough room, and her head was too narrow,) but I can see that more adjustments are needed to the height of the chair back. It's otherwise coming along. I spent some time working of the folds in the fabric - fabric is a weakness of mine - I tend to lose my place in the folds and find that I haven't included some folds. But I think I've allowed for all of them now.

It's so exciting to me to copy Monet's work - he is one of my favorite painters, and is the Impressionist I like the best!


Lorraine K. said...

It's a treat for us to watch you create this too. Lorraine

Lorraine K. said...

Hi Amy,

It's a treat for us to watch you create this Monet masterpiece too!

Amy Mann said...

Thanks, Lorraine!