October 21, 2014

Cézanne, Day 7

Today in the morning I worked on the vertical side of the table on the right. I corrected some drawing errors in the shape of the table sides. 

at the end of the morning

After lunch, I worked on the blue and white wall sconce/vase. I put the wavy line on the front of it, and worked hard all afternoon at its complicated splotchy network of blues, whites, and peach. I repainted the whole wall on the right, and I worked on the cloth coming down from the top.

Next week, I want to repaint the pitcher and work more on the left side of the cloth and the wall on the left. Then I think I will be done with this one! It's not perfect, of course, but I feel like moving on.

click the images for a larger view

October 14, 2014

Cézanne, Day 6

Once again, here is a photo of my palette at the beginning of the day. I was going to attack the white and blue wall sconce/vase that I left until last, so I mixed up all the basic colors I could see.

Before I actually started painting, the cutest thing happened - a small class of 6-year-olds in school uniforms came with a tour guide, who asked me if they could stop and talk about my painting. The guide talked to the kids and asked them questions, which they raised their hands and gave thoughtful answers to. Then I showed them my palette, and explained to them that I make all the colors I need from only yellow, red, blue and white, and how I do that. They listened with big eyes, and were so attentive and quiet. When they left, one of their chaperones prompted them to thank me with "What do you say, children?" and one little boy said "GOOD JOB!"

My first task was to get that wall sconce/vase painted. I didn't paint the squiggly front edge yet - I'll do that next week when the paint is dry.

Here is how it looked when I stopped for lunch:

(click the image for a larger view)

After lunch, I tackled the cloth and darkened the wall on the right. I used up most of my paint and didn't feel like squeezing any more out, so I stopped early.

So now I have everything painted at least once. Next week I'll work hard on the table and more on the cloth. I hope to wrap this up in 2-3 more weeks, because my next copy will be a commission for someone, and I'm eager to get going on it!

October 7, 2014

Cézanne, day 5

I thought it would be interesting to post a couple of pictures of my palette - I started by mixing some basic colors I would be needing, and then I made tints by adding white.

After this, I just picked up colors from here & there, until the whole palette was covered. Sorry I didn't take a picture of the palette at the end of the day!

I worked on the white cloth, the pitcher, and the fruit. The only area I haven't touched at all yet is the bowl on the right. I still have to work on the right half of the cloth against the wall. And I will repaint most areas over again before I am done. I love this painting!