The first picture is from just before lunch, and the last two are from the end of the day. The first thing I did was make a nice, neutral black by mixing burnt umber and ultramarine blue, and shades of gray by adding white. This was for the dress, which I repainted in a darker shade than last week, and added the folds using the darker shades of gray. I also significantly darkened the background. Then I went to lunch.
If you click on an image to enlarge it, and flick back and forth between the first and second, you can see what I did after lunch. I worked quite a bit on the two heads - they were both too tall. I think Camille may still be too tall. I lowered Bazille's hat and head quite a bit, and darkened his skin tone. Oh, and I also put some of the plants in the foreground. I started getting interrupted quite a bit by the visitors, so by 3:00, I was ready to call it quits for the day. Next week I'll really put the bright greens and other highlights in.